To receive an offer or request to take pictures of what you need to specify the best in the email-in (b.szymczak @ or call – tel 601 244 813

Well if you include sample images indicating what you would like to receive (pictures can be from the internet - as image), or specify by examplesGALLERY.

On this basis, I prepare offer.

If you need, we can prepare for trialfree photos.

For this purpose, please send by mail or courier your products and we will do photos (Of course we will send products).

If these products are generally available, please specify this - will do the test with your own product.

The sample covers the 1 or 2 images in low resolution (with 2 – 3 the resulting products)- send them by e-mail.

Test Shots are not intended for publication.

If the trial will proceed to implement approved.

Pictures made from products supplied.

 Then we send an index of "raw" images in order to select.

After selecting the Principal proceed to the processing of digital images (me. cropping, color correction)

Each photo will be saved as a .jpg at full resolution sRGB, 72 dpi (long side min. 4000 px

It is possible to prepare images for offset printing (CMYK, 300 dpi) or in other formats


Finished images will be transmitted electronically to the address ordering the payment to the contractor a fixed account the gross amount of the pro forma invoice.

All orders realized on the basis of an agreement with the transfer of copyright ordering.

Related Images:

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Wszystkie zdjęcia, panoramy, obiekty stanowią własność Bogdan Szymczak. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. Kopiowanie, powielanie w całości lub w częściach, bez zgody autora zabronione. Copyright © 2022. Bogdan Szymczak All Rights Reserved.